Monday 4 March 2013

First Shoot

For our First Shoot of our film opening we still felt we weren't ready as a group to start filming however we went for it and filmed, hoping the outcome would be as expected. As media students we highly expected errors in our work as it is highly unlikely that the first ever time we film our opening and it would be the first copy we would submit. Knowing that there would be things we would need to brush up on, we filmed. Our first shoot gave us a brief idea of how our final piece would end up looking like and helped us make decisions in things we could change in our final opening and things we could add. However we needed to stay in the 2 minute film opening boundary, therefore forcing us to rethink certain decisions regarding our film opening. As expected we did make a lot of errors while filming, but they were a learning experience, which helped us in our final opening re-planning.

Posted by Bansari Raval

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